Book one of our collaborators for a speaking engagement, presentation, or other MCO-related engagement.
Dr. Joshua Hook
Dr. Hook is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of North Texas. He is available to speak and consult on a variety of topics, including multicultural orientation, cultural humility, the intersection of religion/spirituality and counseling, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), differentiation of self, and the Enneagram. He is also trained to administer the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), which is a popular tool to assess intercultural competence in individuals and organizations.

Dr. Owen is a full professor and senior researcher at the University of Denver. Among his many interests and areas of expertise, he is available to speak on therapist's multicultural orientation, cultural processes in psychotherapy, couple therapy, psychotherapy process and outcomes research.

Dr. Bartholomew is an Assistant Professor at Scripps College. He is available for speaking engagements pertinent to (a) qualitative methods (phenomenology, grounded theory, case study), ethnography in psychological research, and mixed methods, (b)Instillation of hope in psychotherapy, (c) international mental health with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and refugee mental health.

Dr. Pérez-Rojas is an assistant professor at New Mexico State University. Among his many interests and areas of expertise, he is available to speak on cultural comfort and other therapists’ reactions to clients (e.g., countertransference) and how to attend to, manage, or use these reactions therapeutically. He is also available to speak on bilingual psychotherapy, cultural processes in psychotherapy, and the therapeutic relationship.
Dr. Melanie Wilcox
Dr. Melanie (Mel) Wilcox is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences, Institute of Public and Preventive Health, and Department of Psychiatry at Augusta University. Her research, both qualitative and quantitative, focuses predominantly on racial and socioeconomic justice, including antiracism and whiteness work, particularly in the contexts of psychotherapy and higher education. Her research also focuses on social justice more broadly, including social justice theory, critical Whiteness studies, and economic and LGBTQIA+ justice. Her overarching goals are to improve psychotherapeutic services and higher education for members of historically minoritized communities and to better understand the factors that hinder advancement toward equity and justice. Dr. Wilcox has provided numerous peer-reviewed and continuing education presentations on the topics of Multicultural Orientation, Culturally Responsive Psychotherapy and Clinical Supervision, Multicultural Training and Education, Social Class, LGBTQIA+ issues including Trans Affirming Care, Antiracism, as well as Addiction/Substance Abuse (a clinical area of expertise and passion of hers), Trauma, and Psychological Assessment.
Click below to visit Dr. Wilcox’s website:

Dr. Winkeljohn Black is available to speak on cultural humility as it relates to religious, spiritual, and secular client identities and training approaches to RSS as cultural identities.